I added thesse text boxes! they're made in p5.js and drawn on screen rather than using an image. resolution will never be an issue. I wonder if it will affect performance and if it will work on mobile.

here is the link to the rnbo web drum machine

I've updated some of the css for the drum machine but theres still more I should do with it.

the background stippling was also made in p5 but its an image that I exported. its only 400 x 400 pixels but its tiled. I think thats more efficient than running more p5 code. its only 5kb.
p5.js for the background stippling and a little more

if you dig around a little you can find some other background images or you could just go to my github

2024 oct 26 02:59
I'm working on a monome that will work in browser. I'm not sure if I can get the SerialOsc beap object to recognize the browser as a device. The way it works right now is a web socket sends messages to a node.js server in terminal which sends udp that max receives with the udpreceive object. I would like to get rid of the node.js server but I'm not sure how.

I've been working through this osc reference. all thats left is the map message and /sys/info message. then I need to decide on whether I add degrees and variable brightness.

2024 oct 28 15:25
I created a pdf to show how rnbo~ presets work

2024 nov 5 12:56
I fixed the textbox canvas size when the window is resized, removed web monome bew, and adjusted some styling of the drum machine. I can see that the header elements aren't level with each other. I need to figure out why. The textbox on the right sometimes gets cutoff when resizing the window, I'm not sure why.

2024 nov 6 00:46
I added a video, made tonight in jitter, to the music page. I am still working on a name for pe.16. its going to be on my self titled album. I'm working on a page for this upcoming album. I'm super excited to share it!

web synth v1
I might figure out how to do some animation in p5 and add it over here. I'm not sure if there is really a use for this side-panel rn

if you zoom in this text and the home button shift to the left 🤷‍♀️ and if you zoom in and resize the window the text boxes break 🤦‍♀️

I did fix the zoom and window resizing stuff. I really need to decide on whether I keep this section over here and what to do with it

favorite ballad

prim doing almost nothing for 8 minutes by moving some knobs
